Integral Ad Science’s latest analysis reveals that while risky political content and misinformation are rapidly spreading in the USA, they still constitute a small fraction of media content. IAS found that out of all media impressions in the USA, 1.03% were political. This is a 29% increase in risky political content from Q4 of 2023.
The advertising marketplaces in the USA have less spread of misinformation, with only 0.005% content in Q1 of 2024 that can be deemed risky but it is still 25% more than Q4 of 2023. IAS says that technology is a big factor which is blocking any harmful content on media, with 28% political content and 97% misinformation blocked by automated technology.
Politics has a big impact on different areas of life in the USA. IAS also did a survey which was about how politically harmful content impacted business results in Q1 of 2024. Ads which do not have much political content had a lower CPCV (Cost per Conversion) than ads which had risky political content. Ads which were avoiding misinformation had 29% lower CPCV while ads which contained misinformation had higher CPCV rate. This means $1.04 lower CPCV on ads without risky political content and $1.21 CPCV on ads which did not have any misinformation.