By Pascal Ibe
An X user claimed the Zimbabwean national army is the most feared and successful in the Southern African region.
This claim is FALSE.

Fundings indicated that South Africa, Angola and Mozambique are listed ahead of Zimbabwe in military strength and capacity.
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An user known as Zimbabwean Khosa has claimed that the Zimbabwe national army is the most feared and successful in the Southern African region.
The post by the user on Tuesday gamered over 39k views, 296 likes and over 30 reposts.
FactWatch is yet understand the reason for making this claim. But a quick check on the user’s profile, shows that the use is critic of South Africa and it’s citizens.
The Southern African region is made about 13 countries which include Angola, Botswana, the Comoros, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
First, a data by published on a military website, Global Fire Power (GFP) in July , placed South Africa, Angola and Mozambique armies ahead of Zimbabwean national army as strongest and most feared in Southern Africa.
This is calculated by focusing on weapon diversity rather than the total number of weapons available to any country to provide a better balance of firepower.
The formula also allows smaller, more technologically advanced nations to compete with larger, lesser-developed powers, and special modifiers – in the form of bonuses and penalties – are applied to refine the list further, which is compiled annually.
One such special modifier is a nation’s access to nuclear weapons, and while they are not recognised directly, these nations receive an indirect score bonus.
South Africa is 1st in the Southern African region with 0.4632 power index, Angola 2nd with 0.8702 PwrIndx, Mozambique is third with1.8377PwrIndx while Zimbabwe comes fourth with 2.0352 PwrIndx.
Check other reports Here, Here and Here.
South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, And Zimbabwe Military Strength Compared
South Africa — is ranked as having the 33rd greatest military strength globally – maintaining its spot from 2023.
The country also maintains its ranking as the 3rd strongest military force in Africa after dropping from 1st in 2022, behind Egypt (1st) and Algeria (2nd) on the African continent.
The ranking shows South Africa has 71,235 active and 29,350 reserve personnel.
It also estimates that the country has around 14,395,986 citizens who would be fit for service should it enforce conscription laws.
Notably, South Africa stands out for its land power but has fallen behind other nations in recent years regarding air and naval power. The defence budget is estimated at $2.7 billion.
Army/Land power
195 combat tanks
12,140 armoured fighting vehicles
49 self-propelled artillery
104 towed artillery
101 rocket projectors
Angola —
Angola’s military comprises 117,000 personnel, with 107,000 serving actively and an additional 10,000 in paramilitary roles, while no reservists are reported. Globally, Angola holds the 55th position in military strength rankings.
- Military strength score: 0.8702
- Active military personnel: 107,000
- Total military aircraft: 297
- Total military vehicles: 5,500
For 2024, Mozambique is ranked 92 of 145 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review.
Military strength score: 1.8377
Active military personnel: 11,200
Total military aircraft: 21
Total military vehicles: 872
Zimbabwe —
For 2024, Zimbabwe is ranked 101 of 145 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review.
Military strength score: 2.0352
Active military personnel: 29,000
Total military aircraft: 90
Total military vehicles: 2,412
Comparison of South Africa and Zimbabwe Military Strengths (2024)

The claim by X user that Zimbabwe national army is the most feared in Southern Africa Region is FALSE l.